7 Benefits of Playing Scrabble from Childhood

Scrabble is a board and tile game that revolves around players using up to seven tiles to score points. Scrabble has a wealth of benefits to children, from developing social skills in a friendly environment to memory training and even learning how to spell. This article will focus on seven great benefits children can experience when learning and playing Scrabble from a young age.

Expanding memory function

It is said that playing Scrabble from childhood can help improve a child's IQ. Scrabble is excellent for memory training, promoting learning in children, and encouraging them to remember long words that may not be a part of their everyday vocabulary to score big points within the game. As children play through more Scrabble games, they will find their ability to recall improving as they experience both similar and contrasting situations.


Building an exceptional vocabulary

It goes without saying that one of the most popular word games around will promote vocabulary building, especially for young children. The vast amount of new words they will come across through the game could spark interest in learning what the words mean. If you are interested in building your child's vocabulary in an exciting way, try explaining what the words you place mean, which will also help with their memory recall.

Developing their spelling ability

Scrabble is known for helping children improve their spelling. It promotes spelling words correctly and can punish players when they incorrectly spell words. Having a solid spelling ability from a young age is beneficial, as when we get older, our brains find it difficult to learn advanced spelling concepts.

Improving mathematical ability

Scrabble isn't all about words, spelling, and vocabulary. Children will become better mathematicians if given the opportunity to do the point calculations for word placements. They can start with the simple addition of points and move on to more complicated sums like working with the double and triple letter and word tiles. At the end of the game, larger sums such as total point additions and cumulative addition will help them further.

Promoting family time

Scrabble is an excellent option for family-orientated game nights due to its easy-to-grasp concept yet incredibly engaging and challenging skill roof. Playing Scrabble with children often will allow families to create memories through laughter, sharing knowledge about spelling and vocabulary, and all the other non-gaming-related conversations families will have during a Scrabble night.

Cultivating social skills

Playing a social game like Scrabble has the social aspects of other board games and encourages conversation through the discussion of words. Children may gain the ability to explain their word choices, make friends with similar interests and learn how to communicate with opponents in a friendly environment.

Depending on the age of the child, there is also an online world of Scrabble to explore. That means your child has the opportunity to play and chat with players from around the globe and experience different cultures through the mutual enjoyment of the game. It is essential to practice safety measures, especially for young children, and supervision may be required.

And for all the other benefits, it's just fun!

Scrabble is a great game, especially when the player has an interest in words. Scrabble will help shape young minds towards a plethora of social, mental, and emotional skills, but it's also just a lot of fun at the end of the day.

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Published on 19 July 2021
Author: Jordan

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