Scrabble vs. Scrabble Deluxe

In this article, we compare Scrabble and Scrabble deluxe by discussing their similarities, differences, and what makes them loved by people of all ages.

How to play Scrabble

Scrabble is usually played by two players but can also be played by up to four players. The goal of the game is to score more points than the opponents. The game is mostly played by ages eight and up and is played on a 15 by 15 game board.

To start, you’ll need a game board, 100 letter tiles, four racks, and a letter bag. The letter bag is what players will use to randomly draw 7 letters each and place them on their racks.


The first player then proceeds to place letters on the board to form a word. The letters can be placed either diagonally or horizontally. As the letters are placed, you’ll notice tiny number markings on each tile. The sum of those numbers is what will be used to collect points for each word created.

If players agree to use a particular scrabble dictionary or choice of words, then players should stick to that rule. Players should also remember that each new word played should be connected with words already on the board. This can be done by either adding a letter to words already on the board or using the letters already on the board to create a new word.

In case of any dispute with fellow players, you may use our free scrabble finder - which is undoubtedly the most user friendly word finder on the web.

Some other common rules of the game include:

  • • Once played, no letter should be moved. This rule also applies to the blank tiles.
  • • The blank tiles on the board can be used as any letter but do not carry any points.
  • • Once played, you cannot change the letter the blank tile already represents.
  • • Players can use their turn to exchange some letters from the letter bag. They can do so by randomly picking the exact number of letters they wish to exchange.
  • • If two or more words are formed during a play each word is scored.
  • • If a word covers two premium word squares, the total score is doubled twice (or to make it easier you can multiply the complete score by four).
  • • If a player plays seven letter tiles at once, it’s called bingo and the player wins an additional fifty points.
  • • A winner is declared after all the letters are used up or after all possible plays have been made.

What is Scrabble Deluxe?

Scrabble deluxe is basically just scrabble but sleeker and with deluxe materials which makes the game more enjoyable.

According to this article from the University of Waterloo, scrabble deluxe was first produced by Selchow and Righter in the 1950s. At the time, the main differences between the standard set and the deluxe set were the new plastic tiles, the letter racks, and an instructions manual. The introduction of plastic tiles made it harder for players to cheat because some players would memorize how the wooden letters carrying the highest point looked, then always pick the specific letters from the pile.

A great feature found in Scrabble Deluxe is the rotating game board. This makes it possible for players to look at the game the right side up no matter where they sit on the table. Perfect for when playing in multiples.

Some other features of Scrabble Deluxe include:

  • • The grid is raised making it harder for letters to slip off.
  • • Bigger racks that hold letters easily.

How to play Scrabble Deluxe

To play scrabble deluxe, apply the same rules and strategies used in the standard scrabble set.


Although the standard scrabble set and the deluxe scrabble set have some slight differences, the rules of the game are still the same. Meaning, you’ll have a great experience regardless of the set you decide to go with.

If you’re an avid game collector, scrabble also has many fun and wacky collector’s editions available.

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Published on 13 June 2024
Author: Maureen

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