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Meaning of address

1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      n 1: (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece
           of information is stored [syn: {address}, {computer
           address}, {reference}]
      2: the place where a person or organization can be found or
         communicated with
      3: the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an
         audience; "he listened to an address on minor Roman poets"
         [syn: {address}, {speech}]
      4: the manner of speaking to another individual; "he failed in
         his manner of address to the captain"
      5: a sign in front of a house or business carrying the
         conventional form by which its location is described
      6: written directions for finding some location; written on
         letters or packages that are to be delivered to that location
         [syn: {address}, {destination}, {name and address}]
      7: the stance assumed by a golfer in preparation for hitting a
         golf ball
      8: social skill [syn: {savoir-faire}, {address}]
      v 1: speak to; "He addressed the crowd outside the window" [syn:
           {address}, {turn to}]
      2: give a speech to; "The chairman addressed the board of
         trustees" [syn: {address}, {speak}]
      3: put an address on (an envelope) [syn: {address}, {direct}]
      4: direct a question at someone
      5: address or apply oneself to something, direct one's efforts
         towards something, such as a question
      6: greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name; "He always
         addresses me with `Sir'"; "Call me Mister"; "She calls him by
         first name" [syn: {address}, {call}]
      7: access or locate by address
      8: act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This
         book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western
         Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"
         [syn: {cover}, {treat}, {handle}, {plow}, {deal}, {address}]
      9: speak to someone [syn: {address}, {accost}, {come up to}]
      10: adjust and aim (a golf ball) at in preparation of hitting

WordNet ® Princeton University.

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