Scrabble Dictionary

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  • TWL/NWL (Scrabble US / Canada / Thailand)
  • SOWPODS/CSW (Scrabble UK / International)
  • ENABLE (Words with Friends)

Meaning of compact

1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      adj 1: closely and firmly united or packed together; "compact
             soil"; "compact clusters of flowers" [ant: {loose}]
      2: having a short and solid form or stature; "a wrestler of
         compact build"; "he was tall and heavyset"; "stocky legs"; "a
         thickset young man" [syn: {compact}, {heavyset}, {stocky},
         {thick}, {thickset}]
      3: briefly giving the gist of something; "a short and
         compendious book"; "a compact style is brief and pithy";
         "succinct comparisons"; "a summary formulation of a wide-
         ranging subject" [syn: {compendious}, {compact}, {succinct},
      n 1: a small cosmetics case with a mirror; to be carried in a
           woman's purse [syn: {compact}, {powder compact}]
      2: a signed written agreement between two or more parties
         (nations) to perform some action [syn: {covenant}, {compact},
      3: a small and economical car [syn: {compact}, {compact car}]
      v 1: have the property of being packable or of compacting
           easily; "This powder compacts easily"; "Such odd-shaped
           items do not pack well" [syn: {compact}, {pack}]
      2: compress into a wad; "wad paper into the box" [syn: {pack},
         {bundle}, {wad}, {compact}]
      3: make more compact by or as if by pressing; "compress the
         data" [syn: {compress}, {compact}, {pack together}] [ant:
         {decompress}, {uncompress}]
      4: squeeze or press together; "she compressed her lips"; "the
         spasm contracted the muscle" [syn: {compress}, {constrict},
         {squeeze}, {compact}, {contract}, {press}]

WordNet ® Princeton University.

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