Scrabble Dictionary

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Valid in these dictionaries

  • TWL/NWL (Scrabble US / Canada / Thailand)
  • SOWPODS/CSW (Scrabble UK / International)
  • ENABLE (Words with Friends)

Meaning of digest

1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      n 1: a periodical that summarizes the news
      2: something that is compiled (as into a single book or file)
         [syn: {compilation}, {digest}]
      v 1: convert food into absorbable substances; "I cannot digest
           milk products"
      2: arrange and integrate in the mind; "I cannot digest all this
      3: put up with something or somebody unpleasant; "I cannot bear
         his constant criticism"; "The new secretary had to endure a
         lot of unprofessional remarks"; "he learned to tolerate the
         heat"; "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"
         [syn: {digest}, {endure}, {stick out}, {stomach}, {bear},
         {stand}, {tolerate}, {support}, {brook}, {abide}, {suffer},
         {put up}]
      4: become assimilated into the body; "Protein digests in a few
      5: systematize, as by classifying and summarizing; "the
         government digested the entire law into a code"
      6: soften or disintegrate, as by undergoing exposure to heat or
      7: make more concise; "condense the contents of a book into a
         summary" [syn: {digest}, {condense}, {concentrate}]
      8: soften or disintegrate by means of chemical action, heat, or

WordNet ® Princeton University.

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