Scrabble Dictionary

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  • SOWPODS/CSW (Scrabble UK / International)
  • ENABLE (Words with Friends)

Meaning of gallery

1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      n 1: spectators at a golf or tennis match
      2: a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly
         enclosed) [syn: {veranda}, {verandah}, {gallery}]
      3: a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited
         [syn: {gallery}, {art gallery}, {picture gallery}]
      4: a long usually narrow room used for some specific purpose;
         "shooting gallery"
      5: a covered corridor (especially one extending along the wall
         of a building and supported with arches or columns)
      6: narrow recessed balcony area along an upper floor on the
         interior of a building; usually marked by a colonnade
      7: a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine;
         "they dug a drift parallel with the vein" [syn: {drift},
         {heading}, {gallery}]

WordNet ® Princeton University.

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