Scrabble Dictionary

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  • TWL/NWL (Scrabble US / Canada / Thailand)
  • SOWPODS/CSW (Scrabble UK / International)
  • ENABLE (Words with Friends)

Meaning of gumbo

1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      n 1: any of various fine-grained silty soils that become waxy
           and very sticky mud when saturated with water [syn:
           {gumbo}, {gumbo soil}]
      2: tall coarse annual of Old World tropics widely cultivated in
         southern United States and West Indies for its long
         mucilaginous green pods used as basis for soups and stews;
         sometimes placed in genus Hibiscus [syn: {okra}, {gumbo},
         {okra plant}, {lady's-finger}, {Abelmoschus esculentus},
         {Hibiscus esculentus}]
      3: long mucilaginous green pods; may be simmered or sauteed but
         used especially in soups and stews [syn: {gumbo}, {okra}]
      4: a soup or stew thickened with okra pods

WordNet ® Princeton University.

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