Scrabble Dictionary

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Valid in these dictionaries

  • TWL/NWL (Scrabble US / Canada / Thailand)
  • SOWPODS/CSW (Scrabble UK / International)
  • ENABLE (Words with Friends)

Meaning of original

1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      adj 1: preceding all others in time or being as first made or
             performed; "the original inhabitants of the Americas";
             "the book still has its original binding"; "restored the
             house to its original condition"; "the original
             performance of the opera"; "the original cast";
             "retracted his original statement"
      2: (of e.g. information) not secondhand or by way of something
         intermediary; "his work is based on only original, not
         secondary, sources"
      3: being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being
         as first made or thought of; "a truly original approach";
         "with original music"; "an original mind" [ant: {unoriginal}]
      4: not derived or copied or translated from something else; "the
         play is original; not an adaptation"; "he kept the original
         copy and gave her only a xerox"; "the translation misses much
         of the subtlety of the original French"
      n 1: an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which
           copies can be made [syn: {master}, {master copy},
      2: something that serves as a model or a basis for making
         copies; "this painting is a copy of the original" [syn:
         {original}, {archetype}, {pilot}]

WordNet ® Princeton University.

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