Scrabble Dictionary

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  • SOWPODS/CSW (Scrabble UK / International)
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Meaning of secret

1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      adj 1: not open or public; kept private or not revealed; "a
             secret formula"; "secret ingredients"; "secret talks"
      2: conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods;
         "clandestine intelligence operations"; "cloak-and-dagger
         activities behind enemy lines"; "hole-and-corner intrigue";
         "secret missions"; "a secret agent"; "secret sales of arms";
         "surreptitious mobilization of troops"; "an undercover
         investigation"; "underground resistance" [syn: {clandestine},
         {cloak-and-dagger}, {hole-and-corner(a)}, {hugger-mugger},
         {hush-hush}, {secret}, {surreptitious}, {undercover},
      3: not openly made known; "a secret marriage"; "a secret bride"
         [syn: {unavowed}, {secret}]
      4: communicated covertly; "their secret signal was a wink";
         "secret messages"
      5: not expressed; "secret (or private) thoughts" [syn: {secret},
      6: designed to elude detection; "a hidden room or place of
         concealment such as a priest hole"; "a secret passage"; "the
         secret compartment in the desk" [syn: {hidden}, {secret}]
      7: hidden from general view or use; "a privy place to rest and
         think"; "a secluded romantic spot"; "a secret garden" [syn:
         {privy}, {secluded}, {secret}]
      8: (of information) given in confidence or in secret; "this
         arrangement must be kept confidential"; "their secret
         communications" [syn: {confidential}, {secret}]
      9: indulging only covertly; "a secret alcoholic"
      10: having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to
          the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding; "mysterious
          symbols"; "the mystical style of Blake"; "occult lore"; "the
          secret learning of the ancients" [syn: {mysterious},
          {mystic}, {mystical}, {occult}, {secret}, {orphic}]
      11: the next to highest level of official classification for
      n 1: something that should remain hidden from others (especially
           information that is not to be passed on); "the combination
           to the safe was a secret"; "he tried to keep his drinking a
      2: information known only to a special group; "the secret of
         Cajun cooking" [syn: {secret}, {arcanum}]
      3: something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained;
         "how it got out is a mystery"; "it remains one of nature's
         secrets" [syn: {mystery}, {enigma}, {secret}, {closed book}]

WordNet ® Princeton University.

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