Scrabble Tips
Few scrabble tips for beginners!
#1. Learn two letter words
Two letter words are powerful, it contains highest scoring letters. So, you should learn all the two letter words. Some of the high scoring words are : qi, zo, za, ox, ax, xi, ya, ye etc. Check out all the two letter words.
#2. Aim for Rack balance
Think ahead and aim for creating a balance between the no of vowels and consonants. The ideal ratio is 4 consonant to 3 vowels.
#3. Append suffixes such as ish!
Adding suffixes such as ish
to the end of existing words can yield good scoring words such as blackish, bitterish, childish etc.
#4. Add prefixes
Adding prefixes to the existing words can also help you a lot. e.g using anti
prefix : antiknock, antinatural, antitoxic etc. Another example using prefix im
: imperfection, immutable etc.
#5. Do not ignore bingos
Bingos (using all your tiles once) can help you score fast. So, plan ahead for bingo. Use s, blank tiles etc carefully and if possible, save it for bingos.
#6. Be careful with Q
Q is the worst tile (don't get fooled by the BIG 10) to make words with. Better learn those words ahead : Scrabble Words with Q but no U. Also check out Scrabble words with Q but no E.
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