Scrabble Words with 'J' and 'R'
List of scrabble words which contains the letter J as well as the letter R
15 Letter Words
- circumjacencies
- counterprojects
- countersubjects
- extrajudicially
- injuriousnesses
- interjaculating
- interjaculatory
- interjectionary
- intersubjective
- journalisations
- journalizations
- jurisprudential
- majoritarianism
- microinjections
- microprojection
- microprojectors
- misconjecturing
- overadjustments
- parajournalisms
- photojournalism
- photojournalist
- prejudicialness
- projectisations
- projectizations
- rejuvenescences
- straightjackets
- straitjacketing
- supermajorities
- telejournalisms
- telejournalists
- thermojunctions
- zinjanthropuses
14 Letter Words
- coadjutorships
- counterproject
- countersubject
- forejudgements
- interjacencies
- interjaculated
- interjaculates
- interjectional
- jargonisations
- jargonizations
- jerrymandering
- johnsongrasses
- journalisation
- journalization
- jurisdictional
- jurisprudences
- justiciarships
- leatherjackets
- microinjecting
- microinjection
- microprojector
- misconjectured
- misconjectures
- overadjustment
- overbejewelled
- parajournalism
- prejudications
- projectionists
- projectisation
- projectivities
- projectization
- rejuvenescence
- stockjobberies
- straightjacket
- straitjacketed
- telejournalism
- telejournalist
- thermojunction
- unprejudicedly
13 Letter Words
- antimarijuana
- antirejection
- circumjacency
- clamjamphries
- coadjutorship
- coadjutresses
- conjecturable
- conjecturably
- conjecturally
- extrajudicial
- forejudgement
- forejudgments
- injuriousness
- interjaculate
- interjections
- interjectural
- introjections
- jabberwockies
- jackhammering
- japonaiseries
- jargonisation
- jargonization
- jawbreakingly
- jellygraphing
- jerrymandered
- jitterbugging
- jitterinesses
- jurisconsults
- jurisdictions
- jurisprudence
- jurisprudents
- justiciarship
- justificators
- justificatory
- katzenjammers
- leatherjacket
- lumberjackets
- majolicawares
- majoritarians
- microinjected
- misconjecture
- overbejeweled
- prejudgements
- prejudicating
- prejudication
- prejudicative
- prejudicially
- projectionist
- readjustments
- rejectionists
- rejuvenations
- rejuvenescent
- rejuvenescing
- retrojections
- serjeantships
- straitjackets
- supermajority
- surrejoinders
- unconjectured
- zinjanthropus
12 Letter Words
- adjournments
- adjudicators
- adjudicatory
- circumjacent
- clamjamfries
- clamjamphrie
- clanjamfrays
- coadjutrices
- coadjutrixes
- conjecturers
- conjecturing
- conjunctural
- conjunctures
- conjurations
- conjurements
- crackerjacks
- disjunctures
- forejudgment
- forjudgments
- interjacency
- interjecting
- interjection
- interjectors
- interjectory
- interjoining
- introjecting
- introjection
- introjective
- jackasseries
- jackhammered
- jailbreakers
- jailbreaking
- janitorships
- japonaiserie
- jellygraphed
- jeopardising
- jeopardizing
- jeopardously
- jerrymanders
- jinrickshaws
- jitterbugged
- jocularities
- johnsongrass
- jointuresses
- journalisers
- journalising
- journalistic
- journalizers
- journalizing
- journallings
- journeyworks
- judicatorial
- judicatories
- junketeering
- jurisconsult
- jurisdiction
- jurisdictive
- jurisprudent
- juristically
- justiciaries
- justificator
- katzenjammer
- lumberjacket
- majolicaware
- majorettings
- majoritaires
- majoritarian
- megaprojects
- microinjects
- objurgations
- panjandarums
- pejoratively
- perjinkities
- perjuriously
- preadjusting
- prejudgement
- prejudgments
- prejudicated
- prejudicates
- projectional
- projectively
- projectivity
- projectments
- readjustable
- readjustment
- reinjections
- rejectamenta
- rejectionist
- rejoicements
- rejoneadoras
- rejoneadores
- rejustifying
- rejuvenating
- rejuvenation
- rejuvenators
- rejuvenesced
- rejuvenesces
- rejuvenising
- rejuvenizing
- resubjecting
- retrojecting
- retrojection
- rijksdaalers
- serjeantries
- serjeantship
- sojournments
- stockjobbers
- stockjobbery
- straitjacket
- surrejoinder
- surrejoining
- trajectories
- unprejudiced
- zinjanthropi
11 Letter Words
- abjurations
- adjournment
- adjudicator
- adjurations
- bijouteries
- brinjarries
- buckjumpers
- carjackings
- clanjamfray
- coadjutress
- conjectural
- conjectured
- conjecturer
- conjectures
- conjugators
- conjuncture
- conjuration
- conjurators
- conjurement
- crackajacks
- crackerjack
- didjeridoos
- disjunctors
- disjuncture
- ejaculators
- ejaculatory
- electrojets
- forejudging
- forjudgment
- highjackers
- injuriously
- interjacent
- interjected
- interjector
- interjoined
- introjected
- jabberingly
- jabberwocks
- jabberwocky
- jackarooing
- jackerooing
- jackhammers
- jackrabbits
- jackrolling
- jaguarondis
- jaguarundis
- jailbreaker
- jaileresses
- jailoresses
- jamahiriyas
- janissaries
- janitorship
- janitresses
- jardinieres
- jargonelles
- jargonising
- jargonistic
- jargonizing
- jasperising
- jasperizing
- jasperwares
- jawbreakers
- jawbreaking
- jawcrushers
- jeistiecors
- jellygraphs
- jeopardised
- jeopardises
- jeopardized
- jeopardizes
- jeopardying
- jequerities
- jequirities
- jerkinesses
- jerkinheads
- jerrymander
- jewelleries
- jiggermasts
- jinrickshas
- jinrickshaw
- jinrikishas
- jitteriness
- jocoserious
- jogtrotting
- jointresses
- jolterheads
- journaleses
- journalings
- journalised
- journaliser
- journalises
- journalisms
- journalists
- journalized
- journalizer
- journalizes
- journalling
- journeywork
- jubilarians
- judicatures
- judiciaries
- judiciarily
- juggernauts
- jumhouriyas
- juniorities
- junketeered
- juridically
- lumberjacks
- majoretting
- majoritaire
- megaproject
- microinject
- misjoinders
- natterjacks
- nonjoinders
- objurations
- objurgating
- objurgation
- objurgative
- objurgators
- objurgatory
- overjumping
- panjandarum
- panjandrums
- pejorations
- pejoratives
- preadjusted
- prejudgment
- prejudicant
- prejudicate
- prejudicial
- prejudicing
- projectable
- projectiles
- projectings
- projections
- projectment
- projectures
- rajpramukhs
- readjusters
- readjusting
- reinjecting
- reinjection
- rejacketing
- rejectingly
- rejiggering
- rejoicement
- rejoicingly
- rejoindures
- rejoneadora
- rejustified
- rejustifies
- rejuvenated
- rejuvenates
- rejuvenator
- rejuvenesce
- rejuvenised
- rejuvenises
- rejuvenized
- rejuvenizes
- reobjecting
- resubjected
- retrojected
- rijksdaaler
- rijsttafels
- serjeancies
- serjeanties
- showjumpers
- skikjorings
- sojournings
- sojournment
- stockjobber
- subjoinders
- subjugators
- subprojects
- superjacent
- superjumbos
- surjections
- surrejoined
- tearjerkers
- trajections
- unprojected
- unrejoicing
- windjammers
10 Letter Words
- abjuration
- adjourning
- adjuration
- adjuratory
- amberjacks
- bejaberses
- bijouterie
- buckjumper
- cajoleries
- carjackers
- carjacking
- chaparajos
- chaparejos
- clamjamfry
- coadjutors
- coadjutrix
- conjecture
- conjoiners
- conjugator
- conjurator
- conjurings
- crackajack
- crossjacks
- currajongs
- currejongs
- currijongs
- didjeridoo
- didjeridus
- disjunctor
- ejaculator
- electrojet
- enjoinders
- forejudged
- forejudges
- forjudging
- frabjously
- highjacker
- hobjobbers
- interjects
- interjoins
- introjects
- irukandjis
- jabberings
- jabberwock
- jaborandis
- jacarandas
- jackarooed
- jackassery
- jackerooed
- jackfruits
- jackhammer
- jackrabbit
- jackrolled
- jackscrews
- jackstraws
- jacqueries
- jaculators
- jaculatory
- jagdwursts
- jaggheries
- jaghirdars
- jaguarondi
- jaguarundi
- jailbreaks
- jailbroken
- jamahiriya
- jambusters
- janisaries
- janitorial
- janitrixes
- janizarian
- janizaries
- jardiniere
- jargoneers
- jargonelle
- jargoniest
- jargonised
- jargonises
- jargonists
- jargonized
- jargonizes
- jarlsbergs
- jarovising
- jarovizing
- jasperiest
- jasperised
- jasperises
- jasperized
- jasperizes
- jasperware
- jawbreaker
- jawcrusher
- jayhawkers
- jaywalkers
- jeanswears
- jeistiecor
- jellygraph
- jellyrolls
- jeoparders
- jeopardied
- jeopardies
- jeoparding
- jeopardise
- jeopardize
- jeopardous
- jerfalcons
- jerkinhead
- jerkwaters
- jesserants
- jesuitries
- jetstreams
- jettaturas
- jigamarees
- jiggermast
- jillflirts
- jinricksha
- jinrikisha
- jinrikshas
- jitterbugs
- jitteriest
- jobcentres
- jobernowls
- jobholders
- jobseekers
- jobsworths
- jockstraps
- jocularity
- joculators
- jogtrotted
- jointuress
- jointuring
- jointworms
- jolterhead
- journalese
- journaling
- journalise
- journalism
- journalist
- journalize
- journalled
- journeyers
- journeying
- journeyman
- journeymen
- joypoppers
- joyridings
- jubilarian
- judderiest
- judicators
- judicatory
- judicature
- juggernaut
- juggleries
- jumhouriya
- juniorates
- junkerdoms
- junketeers
- junketters
- juristical
- justiciars
- justiciary
- justifiers
- kurrajongs
- lumberjack
- maharajahs
- majordomos
- majorettes
- majorities
- majorships
- majuscular
- marijuanas
- misjoinder
- misjudgers
- natterjack
- nonjoinder
- nonjoiners
- nutjobbers
- objuration
- objurgated
- objurgates
- objurgator
- overjoying
- overjumped
- panjandrum
- pejorating
- pejoration
- pejorative
- perjinkety
- perjinkity
- perjurious
- preadjusts
- prejudgers
- prejudging
- prejudiced
- prejudices
- prejudizes
- projectile
- projecting
- projection
- projective
- projectors
- projecture
- rajahships
- rajpramukh
- readjusted
- readjuster
- reejecting
- reenjoying
- reinjected
- reinjuries
- reinjuring
- rejacketed
- rejectable
- rejectible
- rejections
- rejiggered
- rejoiceful
- rejoicings
- rejoinders
- rejoindure
- rejoneador
- rejourning
- rejuggling
- rejuvenate
- rejuvenise
- rejuvenize
- reobjected
- resubjects
- retrojects
- rijstafels
- rijsttafel
- serjeantry
- showjumper
- skijorings
- skijumpers
- skikjorers
- skikjoring
- skyjackers
- sojourners
- sojourning
- subjoinder
- subjugator
- subproject
- superjocks
- superjumbo
- surjection
- surjective
- surrejoins
- swarajisms
- swarajists
- tearjerker
- trajectile
- trajecting
- trajection
- trajectory
- underjawed
- unperjured
- unrejoiced
- verjuicing
- windjammer
9 Letter Words
- adjourned
- adjusters
- adjustors
- amberjack
- bejabbers
- bejeebers
- bijwoners
- boertjies
- brinjarry
- carcajous
- carjacked
- carjacker
- carjacous
- coadjutor
- conjoiner
- conjurers
- conjuries
- conjuring
- conjurors
- crackjaws
- crossjack
- currajong
- currejong
- currijong
- dejectory
- dejeuners
- didjeridu
- doorjambs
- enjoinder
- enjoiners
- forejudge
- forjaskit
- forjeskit
- forjudged
- forjudges
- hijackers
- hobjobber
- injectors
- injurable
- injurious
- interject
- interjoin
- introject
- irukandji
- jabberers
- jabbering
- jaborandi
- jacaranda
- jackaroos
- jackeroos
- jackfruit
- jackrolls
- jackscrew
- jackstraw
- jacquards
- jacquerie
- jaculator
- jagdwurst
- jaggaries
- jaggeries
- jaghirdar
- jailbirds
- jailbreak
- jailbroke
- jaileress
- jailoress
- jakfruits
- jalfrezis
- jamborees
- jambuster
- janissary
- janitress
- japanners
- jararacas
- jararakas
- jargoneer
- jargonels
- jargonier
- jargoning
- jargonise
- jargonish
- jargonist
- jargonize
- jarlsberg
- jarosites
- jarovised
- jarovises
- jarovized
- jarovizes
- jarringly
- jasperier
- jasperise
- jasperize
- jasperous
- jatrophas
- jawboners
- jayhawker
- jaywalker
- jazerants
- jealouser
- jeanswear
- jeeringly
- jellyroll
- jeoparded
- jeoparder
- jequerity
- jequirity
- jeremiads
- jerepigos
- jerfalcon
- jerkiness
- jerkingly
- jerkwater
- jeroboams
- jerquings
- jerricans
- jerrycans
- jesserant
- jetliners
- jetstream
- jettatura
- jewellers
- jewellery
- jewelries
- jibbering
- jigamaree
- jiggering
- jillaroos
- jillflirt
- jimcracks
- jinkering
- jinriksha
- jirkinets
- jitterbug
- jitterier
- jittering
- jobberies
- jobcentre
- jobernowl
- jobholder
- jobseeker
- jobshares
- jobsworth
- jockstrap
- jocularly
- joculator
- joineries
- jointress
- jointured
- jointures
- jointworm
- jokesters
- jolleyers
- jongleurs
- jookeries
- jordeloos
- joukeries
- journaled
- journeyed
- journeyer
- joyfuller
- joypopper
- joyridden
- joyriders
- joyriding
- judderier
- juddering
- judicares
- judicator
- judiciary
- jumarring
- jumpropes
- junctural
- junctures
- juniorate
- junioring
- juniority
- junkerdom
- junketeer
- junketers
- junketter
- junkyards
- juridical
- jurymasts
- jurywoman
- jurywomen
- justicers
- justiciar
- justifier
- kurrajong
- lehrjahre
- maharajah
- maharajas
- majordomo
- majorette
- majorship
- marijuana
- marjorams
- maryjanes
- microjets
- mijnheers
- misjudger
- mudejares
- naartjies
- nightjars
- noninjury
- nonjoiner
- nonjuries
- nonjuring
- nonjurors
- nonmajors
- nutjobber
- objectors
- objurgate
- overjoyed
- overjumps
- panjandra
- pejorated
- pejorates
- perjurers
- perjuries
- perjuring
- perjurous
- preadjust
- prejudged
- prejudger
- prejudges
- prejudice
- prejudize
- projected
- projector
- rajahship
- rajaships
- readjusts
- reejected
- reenjoyed
- reinjects
- reinjured
- reinjures
- rejackets
- rejectees
- rejecters
- rejecting
- rejection
- rejective
- rejectors
- rejiggers
- rejigging
- rejoicers
- rejoicing
- rejoinder
- rejoining
- rejourned
- rejudging
- rejuggled
- rejuggles
- rejustify
- reobjects
- resubject
- retroject
- rijstafel
- scramjets
- serjeancy
- serjeants
- serjeanty
- skijorers
- skijoring
- skijumper
- skikjorer
- skyjacker
- sojourned
- sojourner
- sucurujus
- superjets
- superjock
- surrejoin
- swarajism
- swarajist
- trajected
- trijugate
- trijugous
- turbojets
- unabjured
- underjaws
- uninjured
- verjuiced
- verjuices
- waterjets
8 Letter Words
- abjurers
- abjuring
- adjourns
- adjurers
- adjuring
- adjurors
- adjuster
- adjustor
- alforjas
- aparejos
- bejabers
- bijwoner
- boertjie
- brinjals
- cajolers
- cajolery
- carcajou
- carjacks
- carjacou
- conjured
- conjurer
- conjures
- conjuror
- crackjaw
- dejeuner
- doorjamb
- ejectors
- enjoiner
- enjoyers
- forjudge
- frabjous
- frijoles
- goujeers
- handjars
- harijans
- hijacker
- injector
- injurers
- injuries
- injuring
- jabbered
- jabberer
- jacamars
- jackaroo
- jackeroo
- jackroll
- jacquard
- jaderies
- jaggeder
- jagghery
- jaghires
- jailbird
- jakfruit
- jalfrezi
- jamadars
- jambarts
- jambiers
- jamboree
- janglers
- janglier
- janiform
- janisary
- janitors
- janitrix
- janizars
- janizary
- japanner
- japeries
- jararaca
- jararaka
- jargoned
- jargonel
- jargoons
- jarheads
- jarldoms
- jarosite
- jarovise
- jarovize
- jarrings
- jatropha
- jauntier
- jawboner
- jaybirds
- jazerant
- jeerings
- jemadars
- jemidars
- jeopards
- jeopardy
- jeremiad
- jerepigo
- jerkiest
- jerkings
- jeroboam
- jerquers
- jerquing
- jerreeds
- jerrican
- jerrycan
- jerseyed
- jesuitry
- jetliner
- jetports
- jewelers
- jeweller
- jibbered
- jiggered
- jigglier
- jillaroo
- jimcrack
- jinglers
- jinglier
- jinkered
- jirbling
- jirkinet
- jittered
- jobshare
- jocunder
- jodhpurs
- jogglers
- jogtrots
- joinders
- jointers
- jointure
- jokester
- jolleyer
- jolliers
- jollyers
- jongleur
- jordeloo
- jostlers
- jouncier
- journals
- journeys
- jousters
- joyrider
- joyrides
- juddered
- judicare
- jugglers
- jugglery
- jugulars
- jumaring
- jumarred
- jumblers
- jumblier
- jumprope
- juncture
- junglier
- juniored
- junipers
- junketer
- junkyard
- jurassic
- juratory
- juristic
- juryless
- jurymast
- justicer
- khanjars
- kneejerk
- maharaja
- majorats
- majoring
- majority
- marjoram
- maryjane
- microjet
- mijnheer
- mojarras
- naartjes
- naartjie
- nartjies
- nightjar
- nonjuror
- nonmajor
- objector
- objuring
- overjoys
- overjump
- overjust
- pejorate
- perjured
- perjurer
- perjures
- prejudge
- projects
- propjets
- rajaship
- readjust
- reejects
- reenjoys
- reinject
- reinjure
- reinjury
- rejacket
- rejected
- rejectee
- rejecter
- rejector
- rejigged
- rejigger
- rejoiced
- rejoicer
- rejoices
- rejoined
- rejoneos
- rejourns
- rejudged
- rejudges
- rejuggle
- reobject
- resojets
- scramjet
- serjeant
- skijorer
- sojourns
- sucuruju
- superjet
- svarajes
- swarajes
- tolarjev
- trajects
- turbojet
- underjaw
- unjuster
- verjuice
- verjuses
- waterjet
- zanjeros
7 Letter Words
- abjured
- abjurer
- abjures
- adjourn
- adjured
- adjurer
- adjures
- adjuror
- alforja
- aparejo
- bajrees
- bijural
- bonjour
- brinjal
- cajoler
- carjack
- conjure
- conjury
- crojiks
- ejector
- enjoyer
- evejars
- fjordic
- frijole
- garjans
- gurjuns
- handjar
- hanjars
- harijan
- hejiras
- hijrahs
- injeras
- injured
- injurer
- injures
- jabbers
- jabirus
- jacamar
- jacares
- jackers
- jaegers
- jaggary
- jaggers
- jaggery
- jaggier
- jaghire
- jaghirs
- jaguars
- jailers
- jailors
- jamadar
- jambart
- jambers
- jambier
- jamjars
- jammers
- jammier
- jangler
- janitor
- janizar
- jankers
- jantier
- jarfuls
- jargons
- jargony
- jargoon
- jarhead
- jarinas
- jarkman
- jarkmen
- jarldom
- jarools
- jarping
- jarrahs
- jarring
- jarsful
- jarveys
- jarvies
- jaspers
- jaspery
- jawaris
- jaybird
- jazzers
- jazzier
- jeepers
- jeerers
- jeering
- jemadar
- jemidar
- jemmier
- jeopard
- jerbils
- jerboas
- jereeds
- jerkers
- jerkier
- jerkies
- jerkily
- jerking
- jerkins
- jerqued
- jerquer
- jerques
- jerreed
- jerrids
- jerries
- jerseys
- jesters
- jetport
- jettier
- jeweler
- jewelry
- jibbers
- jiggers
- jiggier
- jilters
- jimpier
- jingler
- jinkers
- jirbled
- jirbles
- jitters
- jittery
- jobbers
- jobbery
- jockier
- jocoser
- jocular
- jodhpur
- joggers
- joggler
- jogtrot
- joinder
- joiners
- joinery
- jointer
- jollers
- jollier
- jollyer
- jolters
- joltier
- jookery
- jordans
- joshers
- jossers
- jostler
- jotters
- jottier
- joukery
- journal
- journey
- journos
- jouster
- jowaris
- jowlers
- jowlier
- joyride
- joyrode
- judders
- juddery
- judgers
- judgier
- juggler
- jugular
- juicers
- juicier
- jumared
- jumarts
- jumbler
- jumpers
- jumpier
- juniors
- juniper
- junkers
- junkier
- jurally
- jurants
- juridic
- jurists
- jurying
- juryman
- jurymen
- justers
- juttier
- khanjar
- majorat
- majored
- majorly
- mojarra
- mudejar
- naartje
- nartjie
- nonjury
- objured
- objures
- overjoy
- perjink
- perjure
- perjury
- pirojki
- prajnas
- prejink
- project
- projets
- propjet
- pujaris
- rakijas
- ramjets
- reeject
- reenjoy
- rejects
- rejoice
- rejoins
- rejoneo
- rejones
- rejourn
- rejudge
- resojet
- rhanjas
- romajis
- sojourn
- tolarji
- traject
- trijets
- trojans
- zanjero
6 Letter Words
- abjure
- adjure
- bajras
- bajree
- bajris
- crojik
- evejar
- fjords
- frijol
- garjan
- gurjun
- hanjar
- hejira
- hejras
- hijrah
- hijras
- injera
- injure
- injury
- jabber
- jabers
- jabiru
- jacare
- jacker
- jadery
- jaeger
- jagers
- jagger
- jaghir
- jagirs
- jagras
- jaguar
- jailer
- jailor
- jamber
- jamjar
- jammer
- janker
- japers
- japery
- jarful
- jargon
- jarina
- jarool
- jarped
- jarrah
- jarred
- jartas
- jaruls
- jarvey
- jarvie
- jasper
- jawari
- jazzer
- jeered
- jeerer
- jerbil
- jerboa
- jereed
- jerids
- jerked
- jerker
- jerkin
- jerque
- jerrid
- jersey
- jester
- jibber
- jibers
- jigger
- jilter
- jimper
- jinker
- jirble
- jirgas
- jitter
- jivers
- jivier
- jobber
- jogger
- joiner
- jokers
- jokier
- joller
- jolter
- jorams
- jordan
- jorums
- josher
- josser
- jotter
- journo
- jowari
- jowars
- jowler
- judder
- judger
- juicer
- jumars
- jumart
- jumper
- junior
- junker
- jurant
- jurats
- jurels
- juried
- juries
- jurist
- jurors
- juster
- majors
- objure
- prajna
- projet
- pujari
- rajahs
- rakija
- ramjet
- reject
- rejigs
- rejoin
- rhanja
- riojas
- rojaks
- romaji
- svaraj
- swaraj
- trijet
- trojan
- verjus
5 Letter Words
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